Identity and branding

Developing a brand is a continuing process. .


These are examples of brochures designed for clients of Publitek Limited. Printed media gives clients the opportunity to be truly distinctive. Good design and production values can positively reflect the quality of their products or services. Printed media can be a high quality, targeted campaign or an inexpensive give away at a trade show.

Project management

It doesn't matter how brilliant the design of your media is if your exhibition graphics or flyers aren't at the venue on time. This is why project management is equally important at Equation as good design. For PicoChip Limited brand fidelity was maintained between printed media and exhibition graphics.


Images are very important to convey concepts and clearly show the structure of technical subjects. Creating 3D illustrations has proven to be a significant capability available to clients. The style and use of imagery should also be an integral part of a complete visual identity or branding regime. These examples have been produced for magazine covers, press releases, websites and display.